chocolateCHAT| That Costume is Going to Get You More Than Candy!

Happy Halloween! ::throws a bucket full of candy in the air like confetti::

I have always been a strong advocate of FREE CANDY DAY!  I mean what other day in the year can you walk into stores that SELL candy and they give it to you for free?!  I only wish we could have “Happy Diva-Stiletto-Shoes Day” ::drifts into my fantasy for a minute:: A girl can dream can’t she?

On to today’s topic: Hoochie Halloween Costumes!

I know I am not the only person that has noticed that Halloween costumes are a bit on the sexy side *coughunderstatementcough*. At what point did society transition from the long witch dresses to the witch with the mini dress and strap up heels? It’s like the costume manufactures decided in a board meeting one day, “Hey guys,  to save money why don’t we make a costume in ONE size and market it to toddlers AND women?!” It’s genius! Less production cost but they get an increase in profits since they charge more for an adult costume.

The other thing that makes me giggle is how seductive even the most innocent characters become around Halloween! Hahaha! Lord these folk can make a daisy costume look sexy! Oh and  I’m sure we will see a sexy version of Honey Boo-Boo at some point (secretly I’m looking forward to seeing it).  What is it about this day that makes it okay to wear lingerie or booty cheek dresses outside the house? Or better yet has the meaning of Halloween evolved into a day of playing out our fantasies publicly and wearing things that make us feel good because we get to pretend that it’s not really US?

I personally love to see homemade costumes! Not the typical corset, fishnets, red lipstick, and black stilettos sexy vampire look. I mean the homemade costume that requires time, planning, and a trip to Hobby Lobby.  For example, on Facebook I saw a couple dressed up as a bar of soap and a loofa! Hilarious!

Just make sure that whatever you choose to wear it’s appropriate for those that will see it. ‘Cause if you are walking down my street in one of those sexy costumes and my munchkin sees you and asks, “Mommy what is she supposed to be?” I’m going to quickly answer, “in jail because prostitution is illegal in Texas!”

What are you going to be for Halloween [[no judgement]]  and is it sexy?

Until next time…Be Safe out there!

Lady Godiva

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