chocolateCHAT| Stranded Cruise Ship: From the View of a Worried Daughter


I’ve been having severe writers block due to stress. So I figured I’d write about what was on my mind to break the spell.

On Sunday, I was jolted out of a restless nap by my phone vibrating against a glass table. My mom was on the other end and immediately I could hear the urgency in her voice. She said, “Thank God you answered the phone. Listen get pen and paper I need you to take down these numbers. The ship is broken down. We are OK don’t’ worry!” What?! I jump up and rush to get a notepad. Of course the pen doesn’t work (I throw it and quickly find another) and I’m taking down numbers of important people to call including bosses, family members, etc.

She starts to text me and explains that she isn’t getting great phone reception but the texts are coming through. She re-sends me the numbers and gives me instructions. I ask her how she’s doing and she responds, “Yes we are stranded but we are ok.” I call everyone on the list and answer as many questions as I can using Google and CNN as a reference but it’s so hard to keep it together while wanting to break down in worry for my mother and step-father. When I call people the first thing they say is, “Are you playing?” Why in the hell would I joke about that? I tell my step sister that her father wants her to call another individual to explain the situation and she says, “I think you should do it.” O_O your parent who is in an emergency situation asks you to do ONE thing and you can’t even do that?!

I pray and toss and turn through the night. I text her the next morning, “any update?”  She again confirms that they are okay and that more food has been brought aboard by another cruise line. Here’s the thing. I know that regardless of how bad it is my mom isn’t going to tell me the nitty gritty details because she doesn’t want me to worry. It’s how we operate. So between the news articles and the comments I came up with a list of specific questions to ask her.  I was not ready for the answer. As she described (via text) the conditions of those aboard the ship I was sick. The news had been correct. The ship was a disgusting mess including limited plumbing, barely any electricity, limited amounts of food, sleeping on the deck, the battle over sleeping space, and plenty of frustration and attitude being thrown around.

At this point they were in route to Mexico and were going to be flown into Houston. Somehow my mom found a way to charge her phone and we had a few texts for her to give me instructions on handling her affairs here while she was out.  I encouraged her to save her battery.  At 5:17 pm she text me and said “they just added alcohol to a bad situation.” I’m outraged. Why would they add alcohol which makes one irate or have to urinate more without good plumbing. College 101 tells us all that limited food with alcohol is always a bad situation.

The last text (yesterday morning) I got said, “Hey we are being towed. Not sure how we have service.” I haven’t heard anything from her since and have sent numerous texts like, “mommy? everything ok? how are you?” I unfortunately have been glued to which is telling of people having to eat “onion sandwiches, hoarding food, walking through urine soaked hallways, sewage leaking down walls, unbearable smells, and hot rooms but no hot food.” The feeling of helplessness is unbearable. I want so bad to at least be able to call and encourage her through what is an obvious vacation from hell. The lack of answers to how the passengers are really doing is driving me bat sh!t crazy at this point.  I normally talk to my mom 3-4 times a day on average. You may think that’s a tad excessive but it’s how we operate.

I haven’t been able to write about anything as every time I sit down the computer I somehow end up on a news article describing the conditions on the ship which results in prayer for patience, strength, perseverance, endurance, peace and a safe return for all of those aboard.  I think about those with no PTO who’s homes will suffer because of this and those who are elderly or young aboard that may not have the ability to “survive” as easily as others and in the midst I think of my mother who has a severe attitude when she gets hungry and sleep deprived. I find comfort in knowing that my step father is there to protect her as he has done since he has met her and that they will be on land in about 24 hours.

So yea…. That’s my life. A friend asked me, “How are you doing through all of this?” and I couldn’t respond because what I wanted to say was that worrying about myself and my condition and emotions are selfish. How can I complain about ANYTHING when so many people are in need of basic things?

Regardless (and not because it is the Christian thing to say) God is good. He was good when the ship was stranded, now that the conditions are worse, and even more so as they are towed to safety.

I continue to pray for all of those aboard and can’t wait until I see my mom on Thursday or Friday! Needless to say we won’t be going to Galveston or watching Titanic at our reunion. :/

Thank you to everyone that has texted, called, facebooked, emailed, etc prayers and well wishes. It means a lot.

Peace and Blessings Until Next Time,

Lady G.

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